Session 28: Virginia Economic Development Partnership
Tuesday, April 4th, 12-1:00p EST
Led by: Meghan Welch – Managing Director, Technologies & Services, Business Investment Virginia Economic Development
The Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP) is the state economic development authority for the Commonwealth of Virginia. Created in 1995, VEDP collaborates with local, regional, and state partners to encourage the expansion and diversification of Virginia’s economy. VEDP works to accomplish these objectives through a variety of activities, including marketing and lead generation; business retention, expansion, and attraction; trade development; business intelligence; competitive benchmarking; site development; performance-based incentives; and talent solutions. VEDP has offices in Virginia, Germany, Japan, and South Korea.
Led by Anthony (Tony) Cerilli, Vice President of Operations at GENEDGE
GENEDGE is Virginia’s only manufacturing and economic development organization partnered with the Manufacturing Extension Partnership, ™ a public-private partnership that empowers small and medium-sized manufacturers to grow and thrive through educational resources, industry connections, and best practices.
GENEDGE values collaboration and is grateful for the ongoing support and results achieved because of our strong relationships established with key allies and partners throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Led by Susan Vitale, Southside Network Authority Chair
Enhancing the 757’s appeal as a place to live, learn, and do business.
The SNA was created in November 2019 by the five Virginia cities of Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, and Virginia Beach. Phase I of this project includes building out a 119-mile fiber ring that will connect the 5 Southside Virginia cities of Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, and Virginia Beach.
During the SNA Board Meeting held on November 12, 2021, the Board adopted two resolutions.
Resolution 2021-01 directed the SNA Executive Director (ED) to enter the Detail Phase of negotiations regarding a possible public-private partnership to operate and market the SNA Regional Connectivity Ring.
Resolution 2021-02 directed the SNA ED to award a construction and maintenance contract to build the fiber ring upon securing necessary funding. Subsequently, a construction contract was awarded to Danella Construction, Inc.
The MATB has multiple partners with Partnership Intermediary Agreements (PIAs) in the Hampton Roads area and has an off-base presence within the Assembly building in downtown Norfolk, VA. The MATB also leverages its robust regional technology ecosystem to facilitate technology solutions of interest to the Department of the Navy (DON).
Tech Tuesdays are a series of 1-hour max Zoom sessions live, with chat Q&A. To see the month-by-month lineup, visit: The next event coming up will be:
Session 12: Techstars in Hampton Roads
Oct 12, 2021, 12-1pm EST
Techstars is an investment company that offers accelerators and investing for early-stage companies. The company has accepted over 2,500 portfolio companies with a combined market capitalization of $52.2bn USD. Fewer than 1% of applicants are accepted into Techstars accelerators, however, 85% of Techstars’ accelerator graduates are either in business or have had a successful exit after 5 years.
A strong startup ecosystem with the right resources and support produces better entrepreneurial outcomes, creating an engine for innovation, growth, and job creation. In partnership with GO Virginia, 757 Accelerate, and 757 Angels, Techstars will provide support to build and strengthen the Hampton Roads startup community and introduce more Hampton Roads companies into the Techstars pipeline. The objectives of this engagement are to assess the current state of entrepreneurship in the Hampton Roads region, drive more engagement between and around local founders, and to nurture a larger, self-sustaining, resilient, and inclusive environment for entrepreneurs.
An open Q&A session will be available to ensure that everyone understands the opportunities brought by VEDP.
Zoom log-in details will be emailed out to registrants in advance of the session.