Global Shapers Norfolk Releases #WeAre757Millennials Report
This is your world. Shape it, or someone else will.
-Gary Lew
Global Shapers Norfolk is excited to share findings and key insights from our first local impact project, the #WeAre757Millennials campaign. In addition to sharing millennials’ diverse perspectives, the social media campaign and this report also contribute actionable ideas to decision makers on issues of importance to young adults ages 18 to 34.
“The insights shared in our report provide a starting point for understanding the nuanced mindset of millennials in Hampton Roads. We encourage policymakers to harness these insights to build real, lasting engagement with the young adult community,” said Global Shapers Norfolk Hub Project Lead Aazia Mickens-Dessaso.
Central to the campaign, more than two dozen young leaders across the 757 took over Global Shapers Norfolk’s Instagram account for one day to share their insights on the future of our region. The Final Report shares their key insights, including on economic development, regionalism, transportation, sustainability, investing in the Arts & Culture, and what millennials love about the 757.
Our hopes for this report: to encourage millennial engagement on issues important to them, and deeper relationships between the young adult community and local decision makers.
Help us realize these hopes: download the report, start a conversation, and take action!
– The Global Shapers Norfolk Team
Download the report:
#WeAre757Millennials Final Report (1)